Our products

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Trust the Team at PCP to deliver your cards with fast and reliable service, on time, every time.

Photo ID

Photo ID cards are an important element of a secure business or validating business purposes including access control via RFID, MIFARE or Chip Cards.
No matter the size of your company we can print your ID cards in a matter of days.
Whether for a disability provider or a freight & logistics company, PCP will ensure you are happy with the end result.


Gift cards

Gift cards are an imperative part of expanding business sales, rather than imposing an instant purchase on your customer. A gift card promotes flexibility and ensures a returned customer.

We can print and produce non-financial gift cards in all shapes and styles. Gift cards can also be attached to a carrier, a.k.a a ‘backing card’. This too can be attached in house at Plastic Card Printing using top of the line attaching machines. Gift cards can then be shrink wrapped, labelled and bundled, before sent to you.
Gift card sleeves or boxes are also the perfect way to impress your customers.


Membership Cards

Plastic Membership Cards are a great way of collecting valuable data about your members. For example, inserting a card into a poker machine or swiping them at a bar, is an easy way to track dollars spent and reward members accordingly. POS Systems with Membership Databases are the perfect way to keep track.


Card Personalisation

Plastic Card Printing is here to turn regular cards into cards that are yours. We make sure all your cards are unique, whether it be by using a barcode and pin for a gift card, or encoding a magnetic strip and printing membership details for a membership card. We can personalise your card to make it suitable for you or your customers by using names, numbers, barcodes, pins and encoding. This personalisation is available in black, white, red, green, blue, gold or silver – using inkjet, thermal or DOD. When it comes to making cards, the sky really is the limit.

Card Customising – Key Tags

Custom or integrated cards are a very established way of giving your customers choice. Since key tags can attach to a key ring, they are highly portable. Their portability and small size help make them convenient for customers to carry with them. In instances where a membership or loyalty card may not be efficient for a customer, key tags save the day. 

At Plastic Card Printing we offer a variety of die cuts and can create new knifes to ensure your vision comes to life.


If you require lanyards for a special event, or simply to use with your Photo IDs, Plastic Card Printing has you covered.

With the ability to have your Logo printed on them, you can customise them to be suitable for your business. Choose from our standard colour range or PMS colours to meet your corporate requirements. They can be tubular, round or flat, and come in four widths: all including a safety break away.


Recycled Cards

Print ID, Gift Cards and Membership Cards all while choosing the eco-friendly option.
At Plastic Card Printing we offer 3 different types of recycled cards:
PETG (Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol) Cards are one of the most environmentally friendly cards to produce.
ABS Plastic Recycled Cards reduce waste of PVC and extra sheet materials.


Card Finishes

Choose the perfect finishing touch for your cards. ISO Standard plastic cards are finished in laminated high gloss. Other finishes which we offer include: Metallic, Matt, Spot UV, Frosted and also Laser and Felt finished. If you’re not sure which will be best for you, call us today and we will send you some samples.


Plain Cards

Due to its durability, cardstock is perfect for business cards, postcards, playing cards, and catalog covers. At Plastic Card Printing, we can easily supply you with plain cardstock in small or bulk orders. A range of colours and specifications can be added including a magnetic strip; HiCo 4000oe, 2750oe or LoCo 300oe and/or Mifare contactless chips.


Contact Us

We Can’t Wait to Make Your Ideas a Reality

Contact Info

Our Office

Unit 1, 17 Norman Street, PEAKHURST NSW 2210


Open Office Hours

M-F: 8am – 4pm


Get in Touch

(02) 8567 2000